trying to write a sample grpc using light weight ttrpc repo.
Question is not able to generate _ttrpc.pb.go files from .proto using protoc command.
can anyone help with the code generation from proto files as show in the example here
first install the binary protoc-gen-go-ttrpc from source repo
$ cd ttrpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-ttrpc
$ go install
this will put a binary file protoc-gen-go-ttrpc.exe in %GOBIN% directory
now in example folder.
run the following protoc command with ttrpc plugin
protoc -I ../pb --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-ttrpc_out=plugins=ttrpc:../pb ../pb/hello.proto
this will generate the following files.
|__ hello.proto
|__ hello.pb.go
|__ hello.ttrpc.pb.go