Here's my toy file:
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Data.Void (Void)
type Parser = Parsec Void String
myParser :: Parser String
myParser = do
d <- digitChar
c <- letterChar
return $ replicate (read [d]) c
Now from ghci, if I type parseTest (myParser <?> "foo") "3a"
I get "aaa"
as expected, but if I type parseTest (myParser <?> "foo") "33a"
then I get:
1 | 33a
| ^
unexpected '3'
expecting letter
The error message makes sense in this simple case (I had to enter a letter instead of another digit) but when writing more complicated parsers, letterChar
may appear in any number of composite parsers, so it's not clear which letterChar
was the one that failed. Since I passed in a label foo
for my parser, I would like it if the error message instead said something like the following:
1 | 33a
| ^
error while parsing foo:
unexpected '3'
expecting letter
And more generally, as long as I give my parsers labels using <?>
, I would like the whole traceback of errors to be shown, like:
error while parsing grandparent:
error while parsing parent:
unexpected '3'
expecting letter
Is there a way to do this in Megaparsec?
Megaparsec has no built in support for doing this, but you can use its custom error machinery.
We can define a custom error type that adds a context label to an existing ParseError
, together with a ShowErrorComponent
instance to display it within the error message. (The weird orphan Ord
instance for ParseError
here satisfies a technical requirement. Custom errors need an Ord
instance, but ParseError
doesn't have one, so we have to derive one if we want to include a nested ParseError in our custom error.)
data ErrorWithLabel = ErrorWithLabel String (ParseError String ErrorWithLabel)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- orphan instance needed for technical reasons
deriving instance Ord (ParseError String ErrorWithLabel)
instance ShowErrorComponent ErrorWithLabel where
showErrorComponent (ErrorWithLabel l e) =
"while parsing " <> l <> ",\n" <> parseErrorTextPretty e
By itself, this doesn't do anything, but we can modify the definitions of <?>
and its non-operator equivalent label
to make use of this custom error. Specifically, we can modify them so they call the original Megaparsec definition of label
which properly handles the case where a parser fails without consuming input (by presenting the label as the "lowermost" error) and then also handle the case where a parser fails after consuming input (by wrapping the error with an ErrorWithLabel
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (label, (<?>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Internal (ParsecT(..))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
label :: String -> Parser p -> Parser p
label l p = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eeok eerr ->
let addLabel e = FancyError (errorOffset e) .
Set.singleton . ErrorCustom $ ErrorWithLabel l e
in unParser (P.label l p) s cok (cerr . addLabel) eeok eerr
infix 0 <?>
(<?>) :: Parser p -> String -> Parser p
(<?>) = flip label
This works fine for your example:
λ> parseTest (myParser <?> "foo") "33a"
1 | 33a
| ^
while parsing foo,
unexpected '3'
expecting letter
λ> parseTest ((myParser <?> "parent") <?> "grandparent") "33a"
1 | 33a
| ^
while parsing grandparent,
while parsing parent,
unexpected '3'
expecting letter
A full code example with some slightly more complicated labelling:
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
module Main where
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (label, (<?>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import Text.Megaparsec.Internal (ParsecT(..))
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data ErrorWithLabel = ErrorWithLabel String (ParseError String ErrorWithLabel)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
deriving instance Ord (ParseError String ErrorWithLabel)
instance ShowErrorComponent ErrorWithLabel where
showErrorComponent (ErrorWithLabel l e) =
"while parsing " <> l <> ",\n" <> parseErrorTextPretty e
type Parser = Parsec ErrorWithLabel String
label :: String -> Parser p -> Parser p
label l p = ParsecT $ \s cok cerr eeok eerr ->
let addLabel e = FancyError (errorOffset e) .
Set.singleton . ErrorCustom $ ErrorWithLabel l e
in unParser (P.label l p) s cok (cerr . addLabel) eeok eerr
infix 0 <?>
(<?>) :: Parser p -> String -> Parser p
(<?>) = flip label
repspec :: Parser String
repspec = (do
d <- digitChar
c <- letterChar <?> "a character to replicate"
return $ replicate (read [d]) c)
<?> "replication spec"
literal :: Parser String
literal = between (char '\'') (char '\'') (takeWhileP Nothing (/= '\'')) <?> "literal string"
comment :: Parser String
comment = "" <$ char ';' <* takeRest <?> "a comment"
expr :: Parser String
expr = (repspec <|> literal <?> "expression")
<|> (comment <?> "comment")
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (parseTest (expr <* eof))
[ "3a" -- parses okay
, "33a" -- while parsing expression,
-- ^ -- while parsing repspec,
-- unexpected '3'
-- expected a character to replicate
, "?" -- unexpected '?'
-- ^ -- expecting comment or expression
, "'x" -- while parsing expression,
-- ^ -- while parsing literal string,
-- unexpected end of input
-- expecting '''