I've got a dataframe that I want to format which includes inf and nan.
The dict for it is:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Foodbank': {0: 'study',
1: 'generation',
2: 'near',
3: 'sell',
4: 'former',
5: 'line',
6: 'ok',
7: 'field',
8: 'last',
9: 'really',
10: 'particularly',
11: 'must',
12: 'drive',
13: 'herself',
14: 'learn'},
'%(LY)': {0: -20.93,
1: -19.23,
2: -26.09,
3: 150.0,
4: 90.24,
5: -23.85,
6: nan,
7: inf,
8: inf,
9: inf,
10: inf,
11: -35.48,
12: nan,
13: nan,
14: -1.3}})
from great_tables import GT
It looks like this:
What I want is to have a dash or n/a to highlight it rather than inf which won't mean anything to an audience.
A possible solution:
df['%(LY)'] = df['%(LY)'].replace(np.inf, np.nan)
Foodbank %(LY)
0 study -20.93
1 generation -19.23
2 near -26.09
3 sell 150.00
4 former 90.24
5 line -23.85
6 ok NaN
7 field NaN
8 last NaN
9 really NaN
10 particularly NaN
11 must -35.48
12 drive NaN
13 herself NaN
14 learn -1.30