I am using perf to profile a C++ program. The code is like:
std::string generateRandomString() {
// Initialize a random number generator
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
// Define a distribution for the length of the string (1 to 6)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> lenDistribution(1, 6);
int length = lenDistribution(gen);
// Define characters that can be part of the string
const std::string characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
// Generate the random string
std::uniform_int_distribution<> charDistribution(0, characters.size() - 1);
std::string result;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
result += characters[charDistribution(gen)];
return result;
void test_trie(){
for (...) generateRandomString();
void test(){
// do something
int main(){
g++ -g -O2 main.cpp -o secmaster_test
is also tried)perf record -F 999 -g -- ./secmaster_test
But I think the result should be like follow:
| --- some random -----|
| ...something... | generateRandomString | -- --|
| ----------test-------- | --------------test_trie-----|
| ---------------------main----------------------------|
|--startup code-- | -------------------secmaster_test------------------- | -- cleanup -- |
Seems that perf
somehow don't know functions about random is called in main()
BTW, I tried:
perf record --call-graph dwarf
perf record --call-graph fp
and failed
Solved with the help of comments and answers.
Default compilation of stdlibc++ does not contain all frame pointers, so perf captures incorrect frame pointer. The solution is to recompile gcc (for c,c++, to get glibc and libstdc++)
Hereby is the steps for me:
to download prerequisitesmkdir build && cd build && ../configure CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE -fno-omit-frame-pointer" --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib
to configure gcc, maybe add more options like --prefix=/path/to/install
make -j16 && make install
Then compile program with new gcc/g++, will give correct FlameGraph.