I'm making a YouTube downloader. A bug has come up with playlists and I want it to check if the inputed link is a playlist. This is done by checking for the presence of list
. So, I copied my normal if
statement and ran it, but it didn't like this:
if "%link:list=%" == "%link%" goto Playlist
I think the three special characters affecting it that are used in Youtube Playlist links are ?
and &
and =
ChatGPT kept trying to use either of the first two examples below. The first one I can't use as I rely on %ERRORLEVEL
, and log the errors. The second one gave the same error codes as my original attempt.
First version:
echo %link%| findstr /C:"list=" >nul 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 goto Playlist
Second version:
if not x%test_link:list=%==x%link% goto Playlist
This third version made me give up on ChatGPT, so now I'm here!
REM Check if 'list=' is part of the string
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=&" %%A in ("%test_link%") do (
if "%%B" neq "" (
if "%%A" neq "%%Alist=" (
set "playlist=1"
you were close with your first approach, you just got the logic a little wrong. the substition removes list
if it is present in the variable link, meaning the condition will not
be true if the string list is present. therefore:
If defined link If /i Not "%link:list=%" == "%link%" goto:Playlist
Would be the correct logic.
To safely expand user input, it is advisable to perform such comparisons with Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
active and using: If defined link If /i Not "!link:list=!" == "!link!" goto:Playlist