Similar to this question, given I have a List<String>
, how would I create a composable function that creates a numbered/ordered and properly indented text list?
Here is what I am attempting to create:
Using this answer as a starting point I came up with this solution.
fun makeNumberedList(items: List<String>): AnnotatedString {
var bulletNumber = 1
val textStyle = LocalTextStyle.current
val textMeasurer = rememberTextMeasurer()
val bulletStringWidth = remember(textStyle, textMeasurer) {
textMeasurer.measure(text = "$bulletNumber.\t\t", style = textStyle).size.width
val restLine = with(LocalDensity.current) { bulletStringWidth.toSp() }
val paragraphStyle = ParagraphStyle(textIndent = TextIndent(restLine = restLine))
return buildAnnotatedString {
items.forEach { text ->
withStyle(style = paragraphStyle) {
This is how It is used:
listOf("Short Text",
"Long Text - which is a really long text field so that it'll wrap the text.",
"This is Medium Text!")
.let {
Text(text = makeNumberedList(it))