I want to write the TEA algorithm in assembly 8086 (TASM), and I am stuck in the first steps of splitting the plaintext (block) variable into 2 variables and the key into 4 variables (k1, k2, k3, k4).
I know the limit of the plaintext (block) is 64 bits (8 bytes)
and the limit of the key is 128 bits (16 bytes).
The plaintext variable is stored in the data section:
plainText db 8 dup('$')
and these are the two variables of the plaintext:
p1 db 4 dup('$')
p2 db 4 dup('$')
The key variable is stored like this:
key db 16 dup("$")
and the 4 split keys:
k0 db ?
k1 db ?
k2 db ?
k3 db ?
This is my current encryption section for taking the input from the user:
proc encryptionSelection
print plainTextPrompt
inputString [plainText] ; Block Limit: 64 bits -> 8 bytes
call printLine
print p1
call printLine
print p2
print keyPrompt
inputString [key] ; Key Limit: 128 bits -> 16 bytes
; Encryption Logic Here...
endp encryptionSelection
macro inputString storage
mov ah, 0ah
lea dx, storage
int 21h
endm inputString
macro print value
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, offset value
int 21h
endm print
I tried many ways and googled a lot, but I couldn't find any solutions.
and the 4 split keys:
k0 db ? k1 db ? k2 db ? k3 db ?
The key has 16 bytes, so split in 4, I would expect these to be dwords rather than bytes!
plainText db 8 dup('$') p1 db 4 dup('$') p2 db 4 dup('$')
Your inputString macro is using the DOS.BufferedInput function 0Ah, and you are not supplying the correct buffer to DOS! See How buffered input works.
The correct definition for plainText would be:
plainText db 9, 0, 9 dup('$')
p1 db 4 dup('$')
p2 db 4 dup('$')
One way to split the inputted 8 bytes is to copy the following way:
print plainTextPrompt
inputString [plainText] ; Block Limit: 64 bits -> 8 bytes
mov di, offset p1
mov si, offset plainText+2
mov cx, 8
rep movsb
But the most efficient way would be to reorganize the buffers:
plainText db 9, 0
p1 dd 0 ;;
p2 dd 0 ; Together 9 bytes of inputbuffer
db 0 ;;
db 0 ; 1 extra byte for word-alignment
key db 17, 0
k0 dd 0 ;;
k1 dd 0 ;;;
k3 dd 0 ; Together 17 bytes of inputbuffer
k4 dd 0 ;;;
db 0 ;;
db 0 ; 1 extra byte for word-alignment
Then no copying is required and you can easily access your separate variables.