
Can't define a global variable that has a type within a function

I'm trying to create a function that reloads a global bank:

import json

type Bank = dict[str, dict[str: int | float]]

def get_ball() -> None:
    Reloads the bank dict from the bank.json file
    global bank
    with open("bank.json", "r") as f:
        bank: Bank = json.load(f)  # Error
        # bank = json.load(f)      # Works fine


But it raises a SyntaxError: annotated name 'bank' can't be global

When it doesn't have an assigned type it works just fine (see the commented out line). What do I have to do?


  • You should declare it outside function

    type Bank = dict[str, dict[str: int | float]]
    bank:Bank = {}  # or with default value at start
    def get_ball() -> None:
        Reloads the bank dict from the bank.json file
        global bank
        with open("bank.json") as f:
            bank = json.load(f)

    But it would be better if you wouldn't use global at all

    import json
    type Bank = dict[str, dict[str: int | float]]
    def get_ball() -> Bank:
        Reloads the bank dict from the bank.json file
        bank:Bank = {}  # default value at start
        with open("bank.json") as f:
            bank = json.load(f)
        return bank
    data:Bank = get_ball()