I am trying to understand how Dafny handles postconditions of concrete classes. In the example below, I have two classes B and C that extend a trait A. Both have different postconditions for the method m.
The methods test and test2 take in input an object el of type A and call the method m -- I would like them to verify, but I don't know if there is an easy way to do that.
Finally, in the method test3, I take an element from a set of objects of type A. If I later test the type of the element to be of type C, then Dafny produce the error `cannot establish the existence of LHS values that satisfy the such-that predicate' and seems to assume everywhere that the element is of type C.
trait A {
var a: int
method m()
modifies this
class B extends A {
method m()
modifies this
ensures this.a > 5
a := 10;
class C extends A {
method m()
modifies this
ensures this.a < -5
a := -10;
method test(el : A)
modifies el
if (el is C)
assert el.a < -5;
if (el is B)
assert el.a > 5;
method test2(el : A)
modifies el
if (el is C)
assert (el is C);
assert el.a < -5;
if (el is B)
assert el.a > 5;
method test3(s : set<A>)
modifies s
requires s != {}
var el :| el in s;
if (el is C)
assert (el is C);
assert el.a < -5;
if (el is B)
assert el.a > 5;
Is it possible to make methods test and test2 verify, and what is the problem in test3? Thanks
I don't think you can make test
work. For the other two cases, you may want to go with this:
trait A {
var a: int
method m()
modifies this
class B extends A {
method m()
modifies this
ensures this.a > 5
a := 10;
class C extends A {
method m()
modifies this
ensures this.a < -5
a := -10;
method test2(el : A)
modifies el
if (el is C)
assert (el is C);
var el: C := el;
assert el.a < -5;
if (el is B)
var el: B := el;
assert el.a > 5;
method test3(s : set<A>)
modifies s
requires s != {}
var el: A :| el in s;
if (el is C)
assert (el is C);
var el: C := el;
assert el.a < -5;
if (el is B)
var el: B := el;
assert el.a > 5;