
Iterate through objects without array

I've got JSON data that looks like this (notice that it's a list of individual objects without wrapping by []). I would like to walk each object using jq but it is not an array of objects. So how can I walk to each object without fixing the data to be a valid array of objects?

  "a": 1,
  "b": 2
  "c": 3,
  "d": 4


  • Use inputs in combination with the --null-input (or -n) flag. It will provide an iteration of all inputs. Accordingly, the singular input will fetch one input on evaluation. The --null-input (or -n) flag is necessary as the context . would have already consumed the first input when reaching input or inputs, which then starts fetching starting from the second input. With --null-input (or -n) set, the context . is bound to null, so input and inputs get all the inputs available.

    Example 1:

    jq -n 'inputs | keys'


    Example 2:

    jq -n '{head: input, tail: [inputs]}'
      "head": {
        "a": 1,
        "b": 2
      "tail": [
          "c": 3,
          "d": 4


    Note that for cases like the latter example, where the first input is treated individually, you can revert to using . for that first input. jq '{head: ., tail: [inputs]}' (without -n) yields the same result (Demo).