I have the following nonlinear system and accompanying ODE:
My solution in MATLAB:
% Solving with ODE45
dt = 10^-1; % [s]
T = 100; % [s]
N = 2; % number of masses
X_0 = zeros(2*N,1);
t_span = [0:dt:T];
m_i = 1; % [kg]
k_i = 2; % [N/m]
c_i = 1; % [kg/s]
gamma_i = 1; % [N/m^3]
f_i = 1; % [N]
f = @(t) f_i.*sin(alpha.*t).*cos(beta.*t); % [N]
m = m_i.*ones(N,1); % [kg]
k = k_i.*ones(N+1,1); % [N/m]
c = c_i.*ones(N+1,1); % [kg/s]
gamma = gamma_i.*ones(N+1,1); % [N/m^3]
alpha = 0.2;
beta = 0.15;
K = karray(k,gamma,N);
M = marray(m);
C = carray(c,N);
F = @(t) farray(f,t,N);
options = odeset('Mass',M,'RelTol',1e-3,'AbsTol',1e-3);
fun = @(t,X)odefun(X,K,C,M,F(t),N); % Defines the ODE function and it's input matrices
[t_ode,X_answer] = ode45(fun,tspan,X_0); % Calls the ODE45 function (see end of code), sets the time and axial conditions. Outputs time and displacements.
The functions karray(),carray(),marray(),farray()
return array representations of the system parameters while odefun()
returns an array of the EOM's displacements and velocities. I had set the initial displacement and velocity of each mass to zero as my initial values. odefun()
is shown below.
function output = odefun(X,K,C,M,F,resSize) % odefun, with input matrices
X_variable = X(1:resSize); % position
X_variable_dot = X(resSize+1:2*resSize); % 1st derivitive
X_variable_dot_dot = M\(F-K(X)*X_variable-C(X)*X_variable_dot); % 2nd derivitive, from the equation of motion
output=[X_variable_dot;X_variable_dot_dot]; % places results as a column vector
The code as shown works perfectly without errors. However, when I try to specify tolerance options with [t_ode,X_answer] = ode45(fun,tspan,X_0,options);
, I get the error:
How do I properly specify
when using ode45()
Your Mass
matrix in options needs to be a 4*4
matrix because you have 4 variables effectively.