On my Windows Server 2019 VM, I used this to check on the worker process:
C:\users\rpresser> ipmo webadministration
c:\users\rpresser> dir iis:\myappPoolName\workerprocesses
Process State Handles Start Time
-------- ----- ------- ----------
4728 Running
This is incorrect. Process 4728 was previously a worker process for this app pool but has been terminated. I tried restart-webapppool
and even iisreset
and both of those started up new worker processes for my app pool but the dir output continues to refer to process 4728.
Even removing the iis psdrive and recreating it doesn't refresh the workerprocess PID. I'd recommend sticking to this to reliably get the PID in an existing session
$pid = powershell.exe -noprofile -command "Import-Module WebAdministration;dir IIS:\AppPools\MyAppPool\WorkerProcesses\"
This will start a temporary powershell session and get you the accurate info.