
Grails Avoid N+1 in hasMany case

I have two Domains: Chapter


static hasMany = [chapters: Chapter]

I want to make request Book.findAll() and use it into gsp with nested objects, as book.chapters

I used option static [mapping = chapters lazy: false], but with application.logSql = true I see many queries select * from chapter where book_id = ?

Is any way to avoid multiple requests?


  • Using lazy: false means that GORM won't load automatically the hasMany records. Instead, you can try fetch: 'join' along with lazy: false.

    Another way is using fetch when using list:

    To be sincere, I never make it work properly. So, we managed to do that more manually using createAlias and projections:

    Domain.createAlias().list() {
        projections {
            property "columnA"
            property "anotherDomain.column"
        setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP) // Make result return as Map
        createAlias("anotherDomain", "anotherDomain")

    This won't be lazy, but since a Map is returned, you avoid dirty checking.