
How to convert packed DMS (with decimal point) to decimal degrees

I have the following coordinates in a dataset :

352215.78N 0041448.71E 352351.58N 0041637.08E 324554.53N 0883049.65W 324016.54N 0883153.19W 374733.00S 1450640.30E 374606.50S 1445054.20E

I believe that those coordinates are in packed DMS with decimal point).

Unfortunately, I don't know a lot about this unit, and I couldn't find a documentation I understood.

Is there a particular way to convert packed DMS with decimal point to DMS (ultimately I will convert it in decimal degrees) ? Is it just a 1/10000 to apply ? Should I pay attention to E(+),W(-), N(+), S(-) ? If anyone has a clear and understandable documentation to propose on the subject, i'll take it !

I'm sure it's something easy, but it's just not quite clear to me...


  • Yes, the coordinates you provided appear to be in a packed Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds (DMS) format with a decimal point.

    Packed DMS Format -

    DD is degrees, MM is minutes, is seconds with a decimal point

    For Example: 374733.00S represents 37 degrees, 47 minutes, and 33.00 seconds South.

    Let's extract degree decimal from this packed DMS

    1. Extract degrees, minutes, and seconds from the packed DMS format.

      Degrees (DD): 37
      Minutes (MM): 47
      Seconds ( 33.00S
    2. Use the formula:

      Decimal Degrees = Degrees + Minutes/60 + Seconds/3600
      Decimal Degrees = 37+ 47/60+33/3600
      Decimal Degrees = 37.7925
    3. Let's consider direction as well:

      North (N) and East (E) are positive.
      South (S) and West (W) are negative.

      Since it’s South (S), it will be negative. So, the result is -37.7925. ​