I can't figure out how to add an file as attachment when sending a mail.
I have tried with: t2 setProperty: #Attachments value: 'C:\temp\file.txt'.
And the property seems correct as it wont throw an error. But no file is attached. I suspect it is because i try to send a string...
This is what I have and it works.
(t2 := (COMDispatchDriver createObject: 'Outlook.Application') invokeMethod: #CreateItem withArguments: #(0)) setProperty: #To value: 'x.x@abc.com'.
t2 setProperty: #CC value: ''.
t2 setProperty: #Subject value: 'Test'.
t2 setProperty: #Body value: 'Here comes the file'.
t2 invokeMethod: #Send withArguments: #().
session release.
Any one who can explain to me how to add an attachment?
You have to attach the file contents to the Graph API call. This is what I use...
buildAttachmentFilename: aFilename
| content |
content := aFilename asFilename contentsOfEntireFile asByteArray asBase64String.
with: '@odata.type' -> '#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment'
with: 'name' -> aFilename asFilename filename
with: 'contentType' -> (self getAttachmentContentType: aFilename)
with: 'contentBytes' -> content.
...each file is then added as an entry in the 'attachments' value, along with 'subject', 'body', 'toRecipients', etc. Since we log the email send, I use the draft + message send sequence, so the attachments are part of the aDictionary for the request contents.
draftOutlookMessageJson: aDictionary
| httpClient request |
httpClient := Net.HttpClient new.
request := Net.HttpRequest method: 'POST' url: 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages'.
request contents: aDictionary asJson.
request contentType: 'application/json'.
request authorization: 'Bearer ' , self graphAccessToken.
(request getFieldAt: 'Prefer') value: 'IdType="ImmutableId"'.
^httpClient executeRequest: request
fwiw: our application is deployed on GemStone which uses ZnClient. This VW code handy for development.