I would like to verify a coordiantes-entry with a RegEx that will accept coordinates in the decimal format as well as in degrees/minutes/seconds.
I came as far as you can see below. It works with the degree/minutes/seconds-input but fails to identify the latitude in the decimal format, the longitude is correct:
Input e. g.:
48.20801690888307, 16.371340225941758
N 48° 12' 28.0044" E 16° 22' 17.1588"
I tried to find the mistake, but stranded at this point. I would be grateful for every help.
I'd use a less "restricted" pattern, and would code the rest, if necessary:
import re
def _extract(s):
p = r"\s*([NESW])\s*([0-9]+)\s*°\s*([0-9]+)\s*['\"]?\s*([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?['\"]?|\s*([0-9]+)\.([0-9]{6,})\s*"
f = re.findall(p, s)
return f
s = """48.20801690888307, 16.371340225941758
N 48° 12' 28.0044" E 16° 22' 17.1588 S 48° 12' 28.0044" W 16° 22' 17.1588"""
[('', '', '', '', '', '48', '20801690888307'), ('', '', '', '', '', '16', '371340225941758'), ('N', '48', '12', '28', '.0044', '', ''), ('E', '16', '22', '17', '.1588', '', ''), ('S', '48', '12', '28', '.0044', '', ''), ('W', '16', '22', '17', '.1588', '', '')]
48.20801690888307, 16.371340225941758
.E 16° 22' 17.1588