I am currently working on fitting splines with gamm4 and I have hierarchical data. In my dataset, Trial_no is nested within VP, and SoundType (levels: STA and DEV) is a level-1 predictor. My model should include a random intercept and a random slope for SoundType, and the spline curve should be allowed to differ between SoundType levels. Here is an overview of my data:
# VP SoundType RT Trial_no
# 2 1001 STA 1008.610 5
# 3 1001 DEV 847.140 6
# 5 1001 STA 982.846 8
# 6 1001 STA 749.330 9
# 7 1001 STA 965.735 10
# 8 1001 STA 1198.200 11
I have been reading the passages in the paper by Sóskuthy, M. (2017) (https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1703.05339 ) about different inference methods (pages 18/19) and would like to plot the difference smooth with a confidence interval. The implementation for a specific dataset is explained on page 23 and pages 28/29. Based on my understanding, here is how I would implement it for my data using bam:
data$SoundType.ordered <- as.ordered(data$SoundType)
contrasts(data$SoundType.ordered) <- "contr.treatment"
ME_spline.diff.bam <- bam(RT ~ SoundType.ordered +
s(Trial_no, fx = FALSE, bs = "bs) +
s(Trial_no, by = SoundType.ordered, fx = FALSE, bs = "bs") +
s(VP, bs = "re") +
s(VP, SoundType.ordered, bs = "re"),
method = "REML",
data = data)
plot_diff(ME_spline.diff.bam, view = "Trial_no",
comp = list(SoundType.ordered = c("DEV", "STA")))
Now, I want to do this using gamm4 instead of bam.
Is there a way to plot the difference smooth with a confidence interval using gamm4?
I have already tried fitting the model with the difference smooth. Is this correct?
ME_spline.diff <- gamm4(RT ~ SoundType.ordered +
s(Trial_no, fx = FALSE, bs = "bs") +
s(Trial_no, by = SoundType.ordered, fx = FALSE, bs = "bs"),
random = ~(1 + SoundType.ordered | VP),
data = data)
This is my first time asking a question here. If I forgot to include any necessary information, please let me know.
Thank you!
One option (although I'd be surprised it itsadug::plot_diff()
didn't work) is the difference_smooths()
function in my gratia package:
df <- data_sim("eg4", seed = 42)
m <- gamm4(y ~ fac + s(x2, by = fac) + s(x0), data = df, REML = TRUE)
sm_diff <- difference_smooths(m, select = "s(x2)")
sm_diff |>
If you don't like the way I chose to plot this, you can always cook up your own plot using the output from difference_smooths()
as it is designed to work with ggplot2
# A tibble: 300 × 9
.smooth .by .level_1 .level_2 .diff .se .lower_ci .upper_ci x2
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 s(x2) fac 1 2 0.386 0.618 -0.824 1.60 0.00359
2 s(x2) fac 1 2 0.479 0.574 -0.646 1.60 0.0136
3 s(x2) fac 1 2 0.572 0.534 -0.474 1.62 0.0237
4 s(x2) fac 1 2 0.665 0.497 -0.308 1.64 0.0338
5 s(x2) fac 1 2 0.758 0.464 -0.151 1.67 0.0438
6 s(x2) fac 1 2 0.850 0.435 -0.00342 1.70 0.0539
7 s(x2) fac 1 2 0.941 0.412 0.134 1.75 0.0639
8 s(x2) fac 1 2 1.03 0.393 0.262 1.80 0.0740
9 s(x2) fac 1 2 1.12 0.378 0.380 1.86 0.0841
10 s(x2) fac 1 2 1.21 0.367 0.489 1.93 0.0941
# ℹ 290 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
For example, to put all the difference smooths on a single plot we might use:
sm_diff |>
mutate(.comp = factor(paste(.level_1, "vs", .level_2))) |>
ggplot(aes(x = x2, y = .diff, .group = .comp)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .lower_ci, ymax = .upper_ci, fill = .comp),
alpha = 0.2) +
geom_line(aes(colour = .comp)) +
labs(y = "Difference", colour = "Comparison", fill = "Comparison")