
Unzip in VBA and rename output file to zip-file name

I've already searched for a solution, but I just couldn't find any. I just want to unzip a file and rename the output to the zip files name then (e.g. myfile.zip ---> myfile.xls). My zipfiles contain only one single xls file each. This code nearly does what I want, but I'm only getting an empty myfile.xls (0 kByte) in tempFolder:

Shell "cmd /c " & pathTo7zip & " e """ & file & """ -so > """ & tempFolder & Replace(Mid(file, InStrRev(file, "\") + 1), ".zip", ".xls") & """"

I'd really appreciate any help. The solution doesn't have to be 7-zip based, maybe there is another Windows-based solution.


  • You can use my function UnZip and then rename the extracted file:

    ' Unzip files from a zip file to a folder using Windows Explorer.
    ' Default behaviour is similar to right-clicking a file/folder and selecting:
    '   Unpack all ...
    ' Parameters:
    '   Path:
    '       Valid (UNC) path to a valid zip file. Extension can be another than "zip".
    '   Destination:
    '       (Optional) Valid (UNC) path to the destination folder.
    '   Overwrite:
    '       (Optional) Leave (default) or overwrite an existing folder.
    '       If False, an existing folder will keep other files than those in the extracted zip file.
    '       If True, an existing folder will first be deleted, then recreated.
    '   Path and Destination can be relative paths. If so, the current path is used.
    '   If success, 0 is returned, and Destination holds the full path of the created folder.
    '   If error, error code is returned, and Destination will be zero length string.
    ' Early binding requires references to:
    '   Shell:
    '       Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation
    '   Scripting.FileSystemObject:
    '       Microsoft Scripting Runtime
    ' 2023-10-28. Gustav Brock. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
    Public Function UnZip( _
        ByVal Path As String, _
        Optional ByRef Destination As String, _
        Optional ByVal OverWrite As Boolean) _
        As Long
    #If EarlyBinding Then
        ' Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
        Dim FileSystemObject    As Scripting.FileSystemObject
        ' Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation.
        Dim ShellApplication    As Shell
        Set FileSystemObject = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
        Set ShellApplication = New Shell
        Dim FileSystemObject    As Object
        Dim ShellApplication    As Object
        Set FileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set ShellApplication = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    #End If
        ' Extension of a cabinet file holding one or more files.
        Const CabExtensionName  As String = "cab"
        ' Extension of an archive file holding one or more files.
        Const TarExtensionName  As String = "tar"
        ' Extension of a compressed archive file holding one or more files.
        Const TgzExtensionName  As String = "tgz"
        ' Mandatory extension of zip file.
        Const ZipExtensionName  As String = "zip"
        Const ZipExtension      As String = "." & ZipExtensionName
        ' Constants for Shell.Application.
        Const DoOverwrite       As Long = &H0&
        Const NoOverwrite       As Long = &H8&
        Const YesToAll          As Long = &H10&
        ' Custom error values.
        Const ErrorNone         As Long = 0
        Const ErrorOther        As Long = -1
        Dim ZipName             As String
        Dim ZipPath             As String
        Dim ZipTemp             As String
        Dim Options             As Variant
        Dim Result              As Long
        If FileSystemObject.FileExists(Path) Then
            ' The source is an existing file.
            ZipName = FileSystemObject.GetBaseName(Path)
            ZipPath = FileSystemObject.GetFile(Path).ParentFolder
        End If
        If ZipName = "" Then
            ' Nothing to unzip. Exit.
            Destination = ""
            ' Select or create destination folder.
            If Destination <> "" Then
                ' Unzip to a custom folder.
                If _
                    FileSystemObject.GetExtensionName(Destination) = CabExtensionName Or _
                    FileSystemObject.GetExtensionName(Destination) = TarExtensionName Or _
                    FileSystemObject.GetExtensionName(Destination) = TgzExtensionName Or _
                    FileSystemObject.GetExtensionName(Destination) = ZipExtensionName Then
                    ' Do not unzip to a folder named *.cab, *.tar, or *.zip.
                    ' Strip extension.
                    Destination = FileSystemObject.BuildPath( _
                        FileSystemObject.GetParentFolderName(Destination), _
                End If
                ' Unzip to a subfolder of the folder of the zipfile.
                Destination = FileSystemObject.BuildPath(ZipPath, ZipName)
            End If
            If FileSystemObject.FolderExists(Destination) And OverWrite = True Then
                ' Delete the existing folder.
                FileSystemObject.DeleteFolder Destination, True
            End If
            If Not FileSystemObject.FolderExists(Destination) Then
                ' Create the destination folder.
                FileSystemObject.CreateFolder Destination
            End If
            If Not FileSystemObject.FolderExists(Destination) Then
                ' For some reason the destination folder does not exist and cannot be created.
                ' Exit.
                Destination = ""
                ' Destination folder existed or has been created successfully.
                ' Resolve relative paths.
                Destination = FileSystemObject.GetAbsolutePathName(Destination)
                Path = FileSystemObject.GetAbsolutePathName(Path)
                ' Check file extension.
                If FileSystemObject.GetExtensionName(Path) = ZipExtensionName Then
                    ' File extension is OK.
                    ZipTemp = Path
                    ' Rename the zip file by adding a zip extension.
                    ZipTemp = Path & ZipExtension
                    FileSystemObject.MoveFile Path, ZipTemp
                End If
                ' Unzip files and folders from the zip file to the destination folder.
                If OverWrite Then
                    Options = DoOverwrite Or YesToAll
                    Options = NoOverwrite Or YesToAll
                End If
                ShellApplication.Namespace(CVar(Destination)).CopyHere ShellApplication.Namespace(CVar(ZipTemp)).Items, Options
                If ZipTemp <> Path Then
                    ' Remove the zip extension to restore the original file name.
                    FileSystemObject.MoveFile ZipTemp, Path
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Set ShellApplication = Nothing
        Set FileSystemObject = Nothing
        If Err.Number <> ErrorNone Then
            Destination = ""
            Result = Err.Number
        ElseIf Destination = "" Then
            Result = ErrorOther
        End If
        UnZip = Result
    End Function

    Full code at GitHub: VBA.Compress.

    Full documentation at Experts Exchange:

    Zip and unzip files and folders with VBA the Windows Explorer way