the ps1 containing the function:
function MyFunction ($path) {
#does something
the ps1 calling the function:
Import-Module .\FunctionParent.ps1
$job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $PSScriptRoot -FilePath "MyFunction .ps1"
$dll = $PSScriptRoot+'\Interop.CCProjectMgrLib.dll'
Write-Host $dll -foreground Yellow
Start-Sleep 5
$JobStatus = $job.State
Write-Host $job.State -foreground Yellow
noob question I know but how do I call the start-job command properly?
Pass a scriptblock to Start-Job
, then make sure to dot-source the script before calling the function:
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
# dot-source script
. (Join-Path $RootPath -ChildPath MyFunction.ps1)
# invoke function
MyFunction -Path $RootPath
} -ArgumentList $PSScriptRoot