
go:generate gotext with subpackages

I am following this tutorial by Alex Edwards for including translations in my Go 1.22 project. It's great, until it comes to running this command:

package translations

//go:generate gotext -srclang=en-US update -out=catalog.go -lang=en-US,it-IT github.com/myCompany/myProject/package

For what I have understood, if I want to cover more packages I just need to add them at the end, like this

package translations

//go:generate gotext -srclang=en-US update -out=catalog.go -lang=en-US,it-IT github.com/myCompany/myProject/package1 github.com/myCompany/myProject/package2 github.com/myCompany/myProject/package3

as it's said also in the tutorial

Lastly, we have the fully-qualified module path for the package(s) that you want to create translations for (in this case bookstore.example.com/cmd/www). You can list multiple packages if necessary, separated by a whitespace character.

I think it could easily become kinda ugly, since the number of packages will easily grow.

The ideal solution for me could be something like this, including all sub-packages

package translations

//go:generate gotext -srclang=en-US update -out=catalog.go -lang=en-US,it-IT github.com/myCompany/myProject/mainPackage/...

I tried passing also ./../... and similar stuff as package, but none of them works. I'm literally stuck here.

Any ideas?


  • gotext uses loader#Config.FromArgs which doesn't support wildcards.

    So no, either list them all or patch gotext.

    You can do //go:generate go run anything.go and build whatever list you need programatically. The source is pretty easy to copy and adapt.