I'm trying to understand the space objects take up in memory in the heap when initialized, but I can't find definitive information on this, so my question is given these 2 examples, with 3 classes each, what would be the order of size taken up by each instance? I know every int takes up a space of 4 bytes, but does not declaring it as a val or var alter this as in class C? Does having a getter method also alter it as in class A?
class A (
val x: Int = 999,
val y: Int get() = 999,
var z: Int = -1
class B (
val x: Int = 0,
val y: Int = 999,
val z: Int = -1
class C (
x: Int = 999,
y: Int = 999,
z: Int = 999
In this second example, does having a function declared like in A affect the size? What about in B where there will only be the class parameters called? How about C where there are both parameters and getters, but also a function inside the class with its own parameters and variables?
class A {
fun foo() = 123456
val nr: Int get() = 7658894
val foo: Int get() = nr
class B(val bar: Int, val foo: Int)
class C(val bar: Int) {
val nr: Int get() = bar
fun foo() = nr
fun oper(num: Int): Int {
val x = num + 1
val y = num - 1
return x * y
This is a complicated question with many variables to consider so I'll make some assumptions
For the standard Hotspot JVM (versions <= 22, this will apply to future versions too, but not forever. No Lilliput)
So for the following Java class in a 64 bit system with compressed pointers
class Hello {
public byte a;
public String b;
public int c;
the object size will be 12 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 21 (24 when rounded up to the nearest 8)
24 bytes
In class A, the properties x and z are backed by fields and will each take up 4 bytes. Property y is not backed by a field because there is a getter attached to it and takes up no space in object instances
The total size will be (12 + 4 + 0 + 4) ceil 8 = 24
In class B, all the properties are backed by fields and will each take up 4 bytes.
The total size will be (12 + 4 + 4 + 4) ceil 8 = 24
In class C, because val
or var
is not attached to the constructor parameters, that is all they are, constructor parameters. A parameter to a method or constructor is not persisted and can't take up space in the heap.
The total size will be (12 + 0 + 0 + 0) ceil 8 = 16
Methods in Java and Kotlin take up no extra space in the per instance heap allocation of an object
Class A has no field backed properties (as they have getters) and will only need 16 bytes per instance
Class B has two int field backed properties and will need 24 bytes per instance
Class C has one int field backed property and will need 16 bytes per instance