I'm struggling to deserialize my json-file into an array of objects of my class LeagueAcc.
I wanna fill a list with objects of class LeagueAcc called:
accounts = []
I have loaded my JSON successfully with this:
with open('dataprint.json', 'r') as openfile:
json_object = json.load(openfile)
Current Solution(not working)
I've added the return LeagueAcc function into my class and tried to call it .
def from_json(json_dct):
return LeagueAcc(
This is the call from the main code:
json_deserialized = json.loads(json_object, object_hook=LeagueAcc.LeagueAcc.from_json)
class LeagueAcc:
def __init__(self, loginname,pw, summoner, tagline):
self.loginname = loginname
self.summoner = summoner
self.pw = pw
self.tagline = tagline
self.elo = None
self.id = None
self.puuid = None
Json File
"LeagueAcc": [
"elo": "MASTER 98 LP",
"id": "321",
"loginname": "pet",
"puuid": "321",
"pw": "peter",
"summoner": "ottie",
"tagline": "888"
"elo": "MASTER 98 LP",
"id": "123",
"loginname": "petereerr",
"puuid": "123",
"pw": "peterererreer",
"summoner": "ottie",
"tagline": "888"
How can I get a list accounts[]
filled with two (2) objects of class LeagueAcc
successfully initialized and filled with the data from the JSON?
To reduce amount of boilerplate code I'd suggest to use something like pydantic
/ dataclasses
/ etc:
from pydantic import BaseModel
body = {
"LeagueAcc": [
"elo": "MASTER 98 LP",
"id": "321",
"loginname": "pet",
"puuid": "321",
"pw": "peter",
"summoner": "ottie",
"tagline": "888"
"elo": "MASTER 98 LP",
"id": "123",
"loginname": "petereerr",
"puuid": "123",
"pw": "peterererreer",
"summoner": "ottie",
"tagline": "888"
class LeagueAcc(BaseModel):
elo: str
id: str
loginname: str
puuid: str
pw: str
summoner: str
tagline: str
league_accs = [LeagueAcc.model_validate(item) for item in body["LeagueAcc"]]
Or even more:
class LeagueAccs(BaseModel):
league_acc: list[LeagueAcc] = Field(alias="LeagueAcc")
league_accs = LeagueAccs.model_validate(body)