
How to bind a label text to a method in maui?

I have two models, Unit and Building. In Unit, there is a BuildingId (a foreign key) field which ties to a Building object. I am writing a collection view to display all the Units. I also have a service method to get a building object based on its Id. I can display the BuildingId for each Unit in a label in the collection view. However, i don't know how to display the Building.Name instead.

I am not sure if i am looking at the right direction because there seems to be an easy way of doing this. I am currently looking into extending a label class, and do customization in there?


  • To display the Building.Name instead of BuildingId for each Unit in your collection view, you'll need to fetch the Building object using the BuildingId and then display the Building.Name.
    Sample code:

    public class Unit
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int BuildingId { get; set; }
        public string BuildingName { get; set; } // Add this property
        // Other properties...

    While fetch units:

        List<Unit> units = // Your code to fetch all units
        foreach (var unit in units)
            var building = _buildingService.GetBuildingById(unit.BuildingId);
            unit.BuildingName = building?.Name; // Set the building name

    From Building service:

        public Building GetBuildingById(int id)
            // Your implementation to fetch a building by its id
           return BuildingList.FirstOrDefault(a=>a.BuildingId == id);