
Cant load Spine Animation in Phaser Editor

I just purchase Phaser Editor and trying to add an Spine Animation to my game from ,.Atlas and .skel file. Here is link to my file :GGdrive After add those 2, phaser editor seem to cannot load it. My screen just look like this and nothing happen.

enter image description here

Does anybody have same problem? what did i do wrong, please let me know. Thank winner_joiner alot. can i aske you how can i add SpinePlugin pack like you do in super(), because when i try to add to index.html through CDN, it doesnt work. Here my code i added in index:

<script src=""></script>



  • I don't know why in the phaser editor it doesn't display anything, since I don't have the editor, and I don't know your code. Maybe there is an error in your sourcecode. In any case the following code should work:

    class Example extends Phaser.Scene {
        constructor() {
                pack: {
                    files: [
                        { type: 'scenePlugin', key: 'SpinePlugin', url: 'SpinePluginDebug.js', sceneKey: 'spine' }
        preload() {
            this.load.spine('berseker', 'berseker.skel', ['berseker.atlas'], true);
        create() {
            this.add.spine(400, 600, 'berseker', 'idle', true);
    const config = {
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        scene: Example
    const game = new Phaser.Game(config);

    ScreenGrab Idle Beserker

    As long as all files are in the same folder.

    +- [WebRoot]
    +- index.html
    +- app.js
    +- beserker.skel
    +- beserker.atlas
    +- beserker.png

    Update / An Alternative:

    If you want to use spine-phaser.js, you will have to rewrite your code:

    Load the plugin from the html-file:

    <script src="phaser.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Load the plugin script after loading phaser -->
    <script src="*/dist/iife/spine-phaser.js"> </script>

    Load the spine file separately and start the animation with a seperate call

    class Example extends Phaser.Scene {
        constructor() {
        preload() {
           // --> Loading the Files Seperate
           // depending on if you have a binaray or json you mist use different function
           this.load.spineJson('set1-data', 'berseker.skel');
        create() {
            // Creating the gameobject
            let beserker = this.add.spine(400, 600, 'set1-data', 'set1-atlas');
            // example starting animations
            beserker.animationState.setAnimation(0, "idle", true);

    Load the plugin in the gameConfig:
    (In genereal you can always load plugins in the gameConfig)

    const config = {
        scene: Example,
        // Load the plugin from the game config
        plugins: {
            // here spine.SpinePlugin is a Object/function from teh loaded plugin
            scene: [
                {  key: "spine.SpinePlugin", plugin: spine.SpinePlugin, mapping: "spine" }
    const game = new Phaser.Game(config);

    Code is loosely based on the official Spin2D github repo example

    Update: added the comple code snippets into this github Repo