I have helper projects in build.sbt just so I can invoke plugins with different configurations, i.e.:
lazy val root = project.in(file(".")).aggregate(app, cfg1, cfg2)
lazy val app = project.in(file("modules/app"))
lazy val cfg1 = project.in(file("target/cfg1"))
.enablePlugins(SomePlugin).settings(somePluginOption := "a")
lazy val cfg2 = project.in(file("target/cfg2"))
.enablePlugins(SomePlugin).settings(somePluginOption := "b")
This way I can execute them as needed (sbt cfg1/someTask
IDEA adds these projects on import/sync just like any other subproject, which is expected because there is nothing special about them however I do not want them in IDEA.
Is there a way to exclude them from being imported by IDEA?
Looks like it is possible with https://github.com/JetBrains/sbt-ide-settings
lazy val cfg2 = project.in(file("target/cfg2"))
somePluginOption := "b",
ideSkipProject := true