
AppleScript to open a specific section of Terminal settings

I'm trying to open the "Profiles" section of the Terminal settings (image).

Terminal settings

Here is my script:

tell application "Terminal"
    delay 1
    tell application "System Events"
        keystroke "," using command down
        delay 1
        tell process "Terminal"
            click menu item "Profils" of menu "Terminal" of menu bar item "Terminal" of menu bar 1
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

But the script only opens the settings window, and not the section I want.


  • Once the Terminal preferences are open, try this:

    tell application "Terminal"
        tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal"
            set w to window 1
            set bp to button "Profiles" of toolbar 1 of w
            perform action "AXPress" of bp
        end tell
    end tell

    You may have to change the button string to 'Profils' though.

    How I got there. Note, each of the commands below will return a bunch of items. If you look through those items, you can likely figure out the next item to get the elements of.

            set w to window 1
            UI elements of w
            --> toolbar 1 of window "General"
            UI elements of toolbar 1 of w
            --> button "Profiles" of toolbar 1 of window "General" 

    Also, you can use the click command

            click at {80, 80}
            --> button "Profiles" of toolbar 1 of window "General" of application process "Terminal" of application "System Events"