
My Vault policies does not allow me to create/update/delete secrets

I have a problem with Vault from Hashicorp. I have a server which is set up correctly (I can read from Vault without a problem!) and I connect to it via AppRole.

I have two use-cases which I want to implement.

  1. Create or Update a specific Secret via Code
  2. Delete Metadata of a Secret or Destroy Secret

I have 2 AppRoles. One for the first Use-Case and one for the second one.

  1. CreationAppRole
  2. DeletionAppRole

I have also 2 Policies which I created

  1. CreationPolicy
  2. DeletionPolicy

CreationPolicy: It should only have the Create and Update Capabilities. For that my policy looks like this which should allow the creation and updating of secrets to everything that is under: mountpath/data/path/to/secretfolder/. So e.g. the policy should allow me to add a secret under: mountpath/data/path/to/secretfolder/test/test . At least thats how I understand it.

path "mountpath/data/path/to/secretfolder/*" {
  capabilities = ["create", "update"]

It is not working and I get an permission denied when I run my code in Java.

DeletionPolicy: It should only have the delete capability. For that my policy looks like this which should allow me to delete the metadata of a secret or destroy it completely. The Softdelete is not allowed in my case

path "mountpath/data/path/to/secretfolder/test/*" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list", "delete", "update"]

path "mountpath/destroy/path/to/secretfolder/test/*" {
  capabilities = ["delete"]

path "mountpath/metadata/path/to/secretfolder/test/*" {
  capabilities = ["delete"]

I don't know where my error is. Does anyone have an idea?

What I have done so far:

  1. I checked the link here and check how my policy could be wrong: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/secrets/kv/kv-v2
  2. I checked that my AppRole has the correct policy assigned


  • I got it. It was an error in my logic. The Policies that I needed were: For creation: Use the policy that I mention aboive. It works. I did something wrong in java. For deletion/Read: You can use the first and the third policy and it works. There was a problem regarding the rollout of the policies...