I have a very simple program that declares a few variables and prints Hello!
I tried to find where the unused variables are stored in the IDA like I found the Hello! (by clicking the lea rcx, _Format ; "Hello!"
) but I couldn't find their name or anything.
The code is
#include <stdio.h>
// global variables
char my_char = 'b';
short my_short = 4000;
int my_int = 10;
long my_long = 65535;
double my_double = 4.32;
int main() {
return 0;
I think theyr'e supposed to be in the .data but can't find it
I found that if the variable is not used it will not show in the data. For it to show I added code that utilities the variables in the main() and now it does show in the .data SEG in the IDA.
#include <stdio.h>
// global variables
char my_char = 'b';
short my_short = 4000;
int my_int = 10;
long my_long = 65535;
double my_double = 4.32;
int main() {
printf("%c\n", my_char);
printf("%d\n", my_short);
printf("%d\n", my_int);
printf("%ld\n", my_long);
printf("%f\n", my_double);
return 0;