
Can I use the subdomain in an address as a web service when the domain name itself contains a subdomain?

So I got my domain name from NoIP, and the name was X.Y.net. So when I got a domain name it included a subdomain, right? So when you have multiple web services on one physical host usually I've seen people use the subdomain to distinguish the service as route to another server based on that, but in this case my domain name that is mapped to my home ISP-provided IP has a subdomain already (the X in X.Y.net). So can I use a reverse proxy such as Nginx to use another subdomain deeper in the tree to route to different services, like A.X.Y.net and B.X.Y.net?

Because the domain name I got from NoIP is X.Y.net then it's a subdomain, not a domain, right? I mean when the DNS lookup is done is it the Y.net that's mapped to my IP address and the X subdomain is just appended to it as a matter of the hostname when you get HTTP requests etc., or is the DNS lookup mapping the entire (X.Y.net) to my IP address?


  • Yes, you can use additional subdomains like A.X.Y.net and B.X.Y.net! You would typically do this by configuring your NoIP account to create these additional subdomains and map them to your IP address. For example, you would create two more A records in your NoIP settings: A.X.Y.net -> Your IP B.X.Y.net -> Your IP

    you could configure Nginx to direct traffic: A.X.Y.net to Service A (e.g., localhost:8000) B.X.Y.net to Service B (e.g., localhost:8001) Here’s a basic example of what your Nginx configuration could look like:

    server {  
        listen 80;  
        server_name A.X.Y.net;  
        location / {  
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;  
            # other proxy settings  
    server {  
        listen 80;  
        server_name B.X.Y.net;  
        location / {  
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;  
            # other proxy settings  

    If you don't want to map subdomains to your IP address, you can not use it.