
Is there an MSBuild property providing the repository root?

When running from Visual Studio, MSBuild is given the $(SolutionDir) macro/property. Running from Azure DevOps, this property does not exist (rightfully so).

Azure DevOps has the Build.SourceBranch variable which can be passed to MsBuild as a property. This variable is better because it points directly to the repository root while $(SolutionDir) may point to a sub-directory if the solution is not in the root.

Is there a consistent MsBuild property I can use in both Visual Studio and Azure DevOps which can point to the repository root?

One way to achieve this is to have a Directory.Build.props file in the repository root and Specify a property <RepositoryRoot>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)</RepositoryRoot> however one restriction I have prevents me from doing this.


  • I would strongly recommend not using .gitignore to find the root of a Git repo. It's possible to have that file in any directory.

    I assume Azure DevOps uses Git as the underlying SCM and not TFS these days.

    Here's a more direct way to get your Git repo root.

      <Target Name="GetGitRoot" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
        <Exec Command="git rev-parse --show-toplevel" ConsoleToMSBuild="true">
          <Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="GitRootDirectory"/>

    The property below is just showing how to use it. You can use $(GitRootDirectory) directly. Just make sure your BeforeTargets happens before you use it.