I am enthusiastic about scheme but I'm missing a "fast-to-type-and-easy-to-read" way (without parantheses) to create a "pipeline", like in F#. Something like
(pipe x
f1 y
f2 z1 z2
The main problem is that the functions (f1, f2, f3, ...) can have different numbers of parameters. The best solution would probably be to create a macro. But I don't work with macros yet. The best solution I have so far is as follows:
(define c ;currying a one parameter function
(lambda (x)
(lambda (f)
(lambda (y) (f y x)))))
(define cc ;currying a two parameter function
(lambda (x)
(lambda (f)
(lambda (y)
(lambda (z) (f y z x))))))
(define (pipe x . y)
(let loop ((x x) (y y))
(cond ((null? y) x)
((procedure? x) (loop (x (car y)) (cdr y)))
(else (loop ((car y) x) (cdr y))))))
;; Testing:
(pipe 10
cc + 1 22
c + 2
c * 10
) ; returns 350
I would be grateful for any suggestions for improvement. Preferably without the auxiliary functions "c" and "cc". Perhaps with a pipe operator like "|" in F#?
Thanks for your comments.
I think it would be best to use a simple fold left here. Functions with multiple parameters would then have to be passed via a lambda function:
;; chez scheme
(define (p x . y) (fold-left (lambda (a x) (x a)) x y))
;; racket
(define (p x . y) (foldl (lambda (x a) (x a)) x y))
;; usage
(p 9
(lambda (x) (- x 2))