I have the following problem.
I have some code which uses pyrogram to periodically send a message into a few telegram supergroups that I moderate. Some of these groups have slow mode enabled. Some with 15 minutes wait, others with 60 minutes.
In the telegram app, when I send a message into a supergroup which has the slow mode enabled, it shows a little timer counting down the time until it is allowed to send the next message.
Within pyrogram, one can check by evaluating slowmode_enabled
if a supergroup generally uses the slow mode. But is there some possibility to get the time one has to wait until the next message, just as in the telegram app?
I observed that when my code violates the wait time enforced by slow mode, it yields
Telegram says: [420 SLOWMODE_WAIT_X] (caused by "messages.ForwardMessages")
Pyrogram 2.3.43 thinks: A wait of 2605 seconds is required to send messages in this chat
Pls help I really don't know how to approach this :(
You can handle this in two different ways.
error with a try-except
# Set your chat_id and resolve the chat
chat_id = -100123456
peer = await app.resolve_peer(chat_id)
# Get the full chat info
chat = await app.invoke(
# Access the slow mode value
if chat.full_chat.slowmode_enabled:
The chat.full_chat.slowmode_seconds
will give you the slow mode wait time in seconds. Handle your case accordingly.
This will probably be a straight forward solution. Just try to send the message. When the SlowmodeWait
error occurs you'll retrieve the wait time value from the exception and you'll just retry after the delay.
# Your existing send method calls here...
await app.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="Hello World")
except errors.exceptions.flood_420.SlowmodeWait as e:
print(e.value) # this will be the number of seconds you need to wait
Hope this helps :)