I am adding the ability to delete any row in a database for my program, but this database shares keys with 6 other databases. I ensured that foreign keys were enabled to begin with:
void SQLitePatternSet::enableForeignKeys()
char *msg;
int result = sqlite3_exec(db1, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;", nullptr,
nullptr, &msg);
if(result != SQLITE_OK)
std::string errMsg = "Failed to enable foreign key support: ";
errMsg += msg;
throw std::runtime_error(errMsg);
And that the appropriate rows in the database have ON DELETE CASCADE attached. Despite this, I still receive an error for SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY. Now I would like to list which keys are in violation during delete:
bool SQLitePatternSet::removeRow(const std::int64_t db1RowID)
bool removed = true;
std::string sql = "DELETE FROM Database1 WHERE RowID = :id;";
sqlite3_stmt *removeStmt;
prepStatement(sql, removeStmt);
sqlite3_bind_int64(removeStmt, 1, db1RowID);
int sqlResult = sqlite3_step(removeStmt);
if(sqlResult != SQLITE_DONE)
if(sqlite3_extended_errcode(db1) == SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY)
removed = false;
result = sqlite3_exec(db1, "PRAGMA foreign_key_check(Database1);", foreignKeyCheckCallback, nullptr, nullptr);
auto errMsg = formatErrMsg("removeRow failed");
throw pset_errors::storage_error(errMsg);
return removed;
But this is where I am stuck. It seems like the foreign key check should work, where:
int foreignKeyCheckCallback(void *a_param, int argc, char **argv, char **column){
std::string msg = "Foreign key check:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
msg += argv[i];
if (i < argc - 1)
msg += "\n";
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
return 1;
And result returns 0, which means there are no errors in the syntax for sqlite3_exec(). But after a few tests the callback is never run, which (afaik) means there are no keys which trigger the foreign key error in question. How can this be? Or does foreign_key_check simply not output to the callback by nature?
So it turns out it wasn't the foreign keys in Database 1 that were causing the error, but keys in another database that referenced the primary key in Database 1. Selecting all rows in Database 2 that reference 1, and then deleting them from 2, resolved the issue:
bool SQLitePatternSet::removeRow(const std::int64_t db1RowID)
std::string sql1 = "SELECT DB2RowID FROM Database2 WHERE DB1RowID = :id;";
sqlite3_stmt *selStmt;
prepStatement(sql1, selStmt);
sqlite3_bind_int64(selStmt, 1, db1RowID);
int sqlresult1;
std::vector<std::int64_t> db2RowIDs;
sqlresult1 = sqlite3_step(selStmt);
if(sqlresult1 == SQLITE_ROW)
std::int64_t db2RowID = sqlite3_column_int64(selStmt, 0);
else if(sqlresult1 != SQLITE_DONE)
throw pset_errors::storage_error(
formatSQLErr("removeRow failed"));
} while(sqlresult1 != SQLITE_DONE);
bool removed = true;
for (std::int64_t db2RowID: db2RowIDs) {
std::string sql2 = "DELETE FROM Database2 WHERE DB2RowID = :id;";
sqlite3_stmt *removeStmt;
prepStatement(sql2, removeStmt);
sqlite3_bind_int64(removeStmt, 1, db2RowID );
int sqlResult2 = sqlite3_step(removeStmt);
if(sqlResult2 != SQLITE_DONE)
if(sqlite3_extended_errcode(db1) == SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_FOREIGNKEY)
removed = false;
auto errMsg = formatErrMsg("removeRow failed");
throw pset_errors::storage_error(errMsg);
return removed;