
Powershell grouping files that created within n minutes

I'm aiming to merge video files that created by a dashcam.

While driving, the camera writes a new file at every n minutes. If n=3, 30 minutes of driving generates 10 files that "date created" attribute within 3 minutes.

An example folder content:

Filename Date Created Group
1.ts 2024-09-03 19:00 Group 1
2.ts 2024-09-03 19:03 Group 1
3.ts 2024-09-03 19:06 Group 1
4.ts 2024-09-03 19:20 Group 2
5.ts 2024-09-03 19:23 Group 2
6.ts 2024-09-03 19:40 Group 3
7.ts 2024-09-03 19:44 Group 4

Desired output (in a loop probably):

1.ts, 2.ts, 3.ts    
4.ts, 5.ts    

How can I get get 4 groups of filenames from this input in Powershell? I then will combine these group of files to a single video per group so I have a single video per drive session. (Transport Stream files are directly concenateable without processing with ffmpeg etc. so I can use a simple copy /b "input files" output.ts)



  • Here you go. You can run the script by copying the code in a text editor, save the file as yourname.ps1 drap&drop it into a powershell window and append your parameter at the end before starting it with enter e.g: myscriptname.ps1 "pathtomyfolder" 4

    You can copy the path to the folder via right click on it and "copy adress". the timegap parameter defaults to 3. the video appending i coould not test, for that I would need some sample ts files (joke). U can build that in in the end

    # Define the main list to hold all the drive collections with titles
        $listOfLists = @()
        # Get all files in the folder, ordered by creation time (oldest first)
        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $targetFolder | Sort-Object CreationTime
        # Initialize variables
        $previousFile = $null
        $driveCollection = @()
        $collectionNumber = 1
        foreach ($file in $files) {
            if ($previousFile) {
                # Calculate the time difference in minutes between the current and previous file
                $timeDifference = ($file.CreationTime - $previousFile.CreationTime).TotalMinutes
                # If the time difference is more than 3 minutes, start a new drive collection
                if ($timeDifference -gt $timegap) {
                    # Add the current drive collection to the list of lists with a title (if not empty)
                    if ($driveCollection.Count -gt 0) {
                        $title = "Collection $collectionNumber"
                        $listOfLists += $title
                        $listOfLists += [System.Collections.ArrayList]$driveCollection.Clone()
                    # Start a new drive collection
            # Add the current file with its creation time to the current drive collection
            $driveCollection += "$($file.Name) - Created: $($file.CreationTime)"
            # Set the current file as the previous file for the next iteration
            $previousFile = $file
        # Add the last drive collection to the list of lists with a title (if not empty)
        if ($driveCollection.Count -gt 0) {
            $title = "Collection $collectionNumber"
            $listOfLists += $title
            $listOfLists += [System.Collections.ArrayList]$driveCollection.Clone()
    # Output the list of lists for verification