I have the following rego:
retry_count_key := "retry"
get_retries_count(str) := {x |
some i
parts := split(str[i], ":")
parts[0] == retry_count_key
x := to_number(parts[1])
max_retry_label := get_retries_count(input.labels)
When I use an input like:
"labels": [
is always an array of numbers. Ideally, I'd like to just return a single (the first) number.
I get:
"max_retry_label": [
I want:
"max_retry_label": 5
I can do something hacky like this, but I'd like to just have it self contained in the function mostly because this policy is huge and I dont want future devs to have to know they need to do this:
max_retry_label := sum(get_retries_count(input.labels))
You could move the sum
call to your own function:
get_retries_count(str) := sum({x |
some i
parts := split(str[i], ":")
parts[0] == retry_count_key
x := to_number(parts[1])
Or if you only wanted the first value, return only that:
get_retries_count(str) := [x |
some i
parts := split(str[i], ":")
parts[0] == retry_count_key
x := to_number(parts[1])
(changed to be an array comprehension though, as unordered sets have no concept of a "first" item)
You could also get fancy with unification and some pattern matching :)
get_retries_count(str) := sum([to_number(x) |
some i
[retry_count_key, x] = split(str[i], ":")