
What is the purpose of the following function - tree structure

i had a test and i need to find out what is the purpose of the next code:

typedef struct _node* Nodeptr;
typedef struct _node {
    int data;
    Nodeptr left;
    Nodeptr right;
} Node;

int F(Nodeptr root, int value) {
    int tmp;

    if (root == NULL)
        return -1;

    if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
        tmp = root->data;
        root->data = value;
        return tmp;

    root->data = F(root->left, root->data);

    return F(root->right, value);

where you call F(root,root->data) what is the purpose of the code?

my idea was that the code change the node values in a similar order to InOrderTraversal, but i think its not accurate.


  • This is what the code achieves:

    In my humble opinion this seems a strange outcome for a function, and I cannot see how it could be useful: some values are swapped, other values are lost, and if the top-level function passes as second argument root->data as you have indicated, then this value could occur twice in the updated tree. I wonder if this is what the designers of this test really had in mind, or whether they had intended something else.