When referencing a figure in a Quarto document and knitting to HTML, a colon is placed by default between the word Figure and the figure caption. I would like that colon to be a period.
I've tried a style.css file with the following but it doesn't work:
.figcaption::before {
content: "Figure " counter(fig): ". ";
Here is my quarto document:
title: "Periods are better than colons"
author: "Eric"
css: style.css
I'd like to replace the colon with a period in the caption for @fig-MyRLogo.
![RLogo](Rlogo.jpg){fig-align="left" #fig-MyRLogo}
And the output I get is:
This is controlled via the cross reference options with the title-delim
parameter. Your YAML header should look like:
title: "Periods are better than colons"
author: "Eric"
title-delim: "."