
Loop is not working with data type test as conditional in Ansible

When I execute ansible playbook with this command and extra vars as

ansible-playbook controller_config/windows_domain_names.yml -e ""

with one task inside it

- name: Find if the variable target_win_host is a list
    msg: "{{ item }} is list data type"
  loop: "{{ target_win_host}}"
  when: target_win_host | type_debug == 'list'

I got the error as

"Invalid data passed to 'loop', it requires a list, got this instead: Hint: If you passed a list/dict of just one element, try adding wantlist=True to your lookup invocation or use q/query instead of lookup."

I expect the above block should be skipped as this does not meet the condition that variable is a list and that its a scalar (string).

I tried with different condition as below

- name: Find if the variable target_win_host is a list
    msg: "{{ item }} is list data type"
  loop: "{{ target_win_host}}"
  when: target_win_host is not string and target_win_host is iterable and target_win_host is sequence

but same error as above.


  • You approach won't work because for the given task, the loop expression is first evaluated, the first item is extracted and only then the when: condition is evaluated (once for each loop iteration).

    In other words, for your approach to work, you need to somehow embed the condition in the loop: expression and make it result to a zero length list.

    The following task achieves that goal:

    - name: Loop over target_win_host if it is a list
        msg: "{{ item }} is part of a list of hosts"
      loop: "{{ target_win_host if target_win_host | type_debug == 'list' else [] }}"

    Meanwhile if you'd rather play the same task for all hosts whether they are given as a list or as a single host string, this is probably better:

    - name: Loop over hosts in target_win_host whether it is a list or a single host string
        msg: "{{ item }} was given as one the hosts"
      loop: "{{ [target_win_host] | flatten }}"

    This is a full playbook to test both options:

    - name: Conditional and loops
      hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
        # default value as a list. Override with extra vars
        - name: Loop over target_win_host if it is a list
              msg: "{{ item }} is part of a list of hosts"
          loop: "{{ target_win_host if target_win_host | type_debug == 'list' else [] }}"
        - name: Loop over hosts in target_win_host whether it is a list or a single host string
            msg: "{{ item }} was given as one of the hosts"
          loop: "{{ [target_win_host] | flatten }}"

    Which gives:

    $ ansible-playbook test.yml 
    PLAY [Conditional and loops] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    TASK [Loop over target_win_host if it is a list] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => ( => {
        "msg": " is part of a list of hosts"
    ok: [localhost] => ( => {
        "msg": " is part of a list of hosts"
    TASK [Loop over hosts in target_win_host whether it is a list or a single host string] *****************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => ( => {
        "msg": " was given as one of the hosts"
    ok: [localhost] => ( => {
        "msg": " was given as one of the hosts"
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
    $ ansible-playbook test.yml -e
    PLAY [Conditional and loops] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    TASK [Loop over target_win_host if it is a list] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    skipping: [localhost]
    TASK [Loop over hosts in target_win_host whether it is a list or a single host string] *****************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => ( => {
        "msg": " was given as one of the hosts"
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0