
How to turn on and off Bluetooth in Windows using the Windows API

I want to create a simple C++ app that programmatically toggles Bluetooth. I have successfully used bluetoothapis.h to query and list information about Bluetooth devices, but I cannot find any function that can toggle the state of it (like the WlanSetInterface function in wlanapi.h).

I know I can use the Radio Manager API or the SetupDi API but I have no idea how to.
I also read this question: Is there a way to turn on Bluetooth using winapi?, but still I don't know how I could do it.

Thank you for your help in advance!


  • There are 3 way to do what you need:

    1. Use WinRT API Radio::SetStateAsync.

    2. Internally those API uses Radio Manager that can be called directly using COM API. Take a look at the IMediaRadioManager interface. It provides access to a collection of IRadioInstance interfaces. Its SetRadioState method turns the corresponding Bluetooth radio on or off.

    3. Direct call to the driver.