I have a Makefile that has a bash command that I need to convert to a Windows batch file.
The command is:
find "source" -type f -wholename '*/.bin/output/*.dll' -exec cp\{\} "./dest" \;
The idea of this command is to copy all DLL files in /.bin/output/
folders and copy them to the dest
To my knowledge, there is no equivalent command for find
Can someone help me with that?
I finally succeeded in solving this.
@echo off
set "sourceDir=%cd%"
set "destDir=%cd%\build"
set fileCount=0
if not exist "%destDir%" (
mkdir "%destDir%"
for /r "%sourceDir%" %%d in (.bin) do (
if exist "%%d\output" (
for %%f in ("%%d\output\*.dll") do (
copy "%%f" "%destDir%" >nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a fileCount+=1
This works as expected. Thanks to everyone who commented on this post.