When the title is "Pesquisa de domínio GoDaddy - Brave"
CHAR title[256];
int r = GetWindowTextA(hwnd, title, 256); // r: 35
std::string windowTitle(title);
std::string str = "Pesquisa de domínio GoDaddy - Brave";
auto s1 = QByteArray::fromStdString(windowTitle).toBase64();
auto s2 = QByteArray::fromStdString(str).toBase64();
The conversion of the char array to std::string
doesn't work properly there's an error on the: í
What's the proper way to convert a CHAR array containing these kind of 'special' characters to a std::string
without relying on using GetWindowTextW and/or a wstring?
Values seen on debugger (VS22):
If you create a manifest and set the encoding to utf8:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<activeCodePage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2019/WindowsSettings">UTF-8</activeCodePage>
The result of both strings will match.