I previously was using the ClientSecretCredential class to authenticate with the Azure SDK but the Service principals changed to a workload identity federation model, because of this I switched to using the WorkloadIdentityCredential authentication but this requires the token to be in a file, because of this a create a temporary file for the token but is there a better/more secure way of doing this?
This was the original authentication
credential = ClientSecretCredential(tenant_id = args.tenant, client_id = args.client_id, client_secret = args.client_secret)
This is what I've been using up to now
temp_token_file = "temp_token_file.txt"
with open(temp_token_file, "w") as f:
credential = WorkloadIdentityCredential(tenant_id=args.tenant, client_id=args.client_id, token_file_path=temp_token_file)
Typically, environments that support for WorkloadIdentityCredential
(such as Azure Kubernetes Service) will have the necessary environment variables set/injected for the credential to be used (AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST
). The token in the file denoted by AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE
is short-lived, and only accessible from inside the Azure environment. If your enviornment supports it, then you can just use WorkloadIdentityCredential
without any parameters:
from azure.identity import WorkloadIdentityCredential
credential = WorkloadIdentityCredential()
However, since it seems you may be running this in Azure Pipelines, AzurePipelineCredential
is generally recommended, provided you did the necessary configuration. More info here, and example usage:
from azure.identity import AzurePipelinesCredential
service_connection_id = os.environ.get("AZURESUBSCRIPTION_SERVICE_CONNECTION_ID")
client_id = os.environ.get("AZURESUBSCRIPTION_CLIENT_ID")
tenant_id = os.environ.get("AZURESUBSCRIPTION_TENANT_ID")
system_access_token = os.environ.get("SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN")
if service_connection_id and client_id and tenant_id and system_access_token:
credential = AzurePipelinesCredential(