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I have a collection names Pages where each document has keys Urls and DraftUrls which is an array of objects as below:
IncomingUrl: string;
EclipseId: string;
Status: string;
RedirectionLink: string;
Validity: Date;
Config: ConfigData[];
Indexing: boolean;
Now, I just want to find the count of URLs which have either a status of Inactive or have an expired Validity. Also I want a few more info like GroupName and TemplateName.
I tried to use $filter with $or as you can see in the playground but the issue is that its giving me the count of all URLs without checking for the specified conditions in cond.
At first I thought there was an issue with how the Validity is checked but then I removed that part and checked just for the Inactive state, but still it gave me count of all Urls
Your cond
expression in the $filter
is incorrect. Modify so that the $filter
operator should be as below:
$addFields: {
filteredUrls: {
$filter: {
input: isDraftB ? '$DraftUrls' : '$Urls',
cond: {
$or: [
$eq: [
$and: [
$eq: [
$gte: [