
Pyspark - cube aggregation

I'm trying to use the cube function in pyspark without including all the columns in the cube.

SQL equivalent of what I am trying to achieve:

select col1, col2, col3, sum(col4) from table group by col1, cube(col2, col3)

this groups groups by col1 and all combinations of col2 & col3

in pyspark, I get the message GroupedData object has no attibute 'cube' when running the below


I'm able to use cube but I need to include col1 which I don't want to



  • There are two options:

    1. Use the SQL:
        col1, col2, col3, sum(col4)
        from table 
        group by col1, cube(col2, col3)
    1. Use the Dataframe API and filter out the additional dimension:
    from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    spark.table("data") \
        .cube("col1", "col2", "col3") \
        .agg(F.sum("col4")) \
        .where(F.col("col1").isNotNull()) \