
MFC application migration to visual studio 2022 - LNK1104 cannot open file 'mfc120.lib'

While migrating MFC application to visual studio 2022,getting the following error "LNK1104 cannot open file 'mfc120.lib'" I believe it is supposed to link to "mfc140.lib" or "mfc14x.lib".

what do I need to change to fix this linker error?


  • Make sure you are using the V143 toolchain.

    Check whether mfc120.lib is added to the project's Linker option, or mfc120.lib is linked in the code. Search for keyword mfc120 in code files and vcxproj file.

    In the VS2022 project settings, set Use of MFC -> use MFC in a static library / shared DLL.

    In addition, you may have linked a library that uses mfc120.lib.