I am trying to add some data in a json-server file. For that I am using a hook form, and for posting the data I am using useMutation. I am able to add in json-server file, but the problem is, after successful insertion, the page is reloading automatically. I want to navigate to another page after success, but not able to do so. Can you guide me to do that and stop the refreshing? The code is:
CreateUser.jsx page
import CommonForm from "../components/commonform";
import { useMutation } from "react-query";
const addUser = async (data) => {
let res = await axios.post("http://localhost:1000/user", data);
return res;
const CreateUser = () => {
const { mutate } = useMutation(addUser);
const submitHandler = (data) => {
console.log("Data submitted from the form", data);
return (
<CommonForm view="createForm" submitHandler={submitHandler} />
export default CreateUser;
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
const CommonForm = ({ view, submitHandler }) => {
const { register, handleSubmit, formState } = useForm();
const { errors } = formState;
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(submitHandler)} noValidate>
{/* username field with validation */}
<label htmlFor="uname">User Name: </label>
{...register("username", {
required: {
value: true,
message: "* User name is required",
minLength: {
value: 3,
message: "Minimum length 3",
{/* username validation message */}
<br />
<br />
{/* email field with validation */}
<label htmlFor="email">Email : </label>
{...register("email", {
required: {
value: true,
message: "* email is required",
{/* error validation message */}
<br />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
export default CommonForm;
The db.json file:
"user": [
"id": "1",
"username": "John Doe",
"email": "john@gmail.com"
"id": "22f8",
"username": "hello",
"email": "hello@gmail.com"
The last data of "Hello" is added by the form.
I used useNavigate from React Router to navigate to a different page after a successful mutation and ensured that the form submission logic prevented the page reload by correctly handling it with react-hook-form's handleSubmit.
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/18.3.1/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/18.3.1/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
import { useMutation } from "react-query";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"; // Import useNavigate
import CommonForm from "../components/commonform";
import axios from "axios";
// Mutation function to add user
const addUser = async (data) => {
let res = await axios.post("http://localhost:1000/user", data);
return res;
const CreateUser = () => {
const navigate = useNavigate(); // Initialize useNavigate
const { mutate } = useMutation(addUser, {
onSuccess: () => {
// Redirect to another page on success, e.g., "/users"
navigate("/users"); // Use the route where you want to navigate
onError: (error) => {
// Handle any errors if needed
console.error("Error adding user:", error);
const submitHandler = (data) => {
console.log("Data submitted from the form", data);
mutate(data); // Trigger mutation with form data
return (
<CommonForm view="createForm" submitHandler={submitHandler} />
export default CreateUser;
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
const CommonForm = ({ view, submitHandler }) => {
const { register, handleSubmit, formState } = useForm();
const { errors } = formState;
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(submitHandler)} noValidate>
{/* username field with validation */}
<label htmlFor="uname">User Name: </label>
{...register("username", {
required: {
value: true,
message: "* User name is required",
minLength: {
value: 3,
message: "Minimum length 3",
{/* username validation message */}
<br />
<br />
{/* email field with validation */}
<label htmlFor="email">Email : </label>
{...register("email", {
required: {
value: true,
message: "* Email is required",
{/* email validation message */}
<br />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
export default CommonForm;