
How run a program only if a task is selected?

In my installation kit, I ask user if he wants to install a scheduled task. So, I use an entry in the Tasks section to get his choice.

Name: CheckNewVersion; Description: "Create a scheduled task to inform me when a new version is available"; GroupDescription: "New version"; Components: CheckNewVersion

In the Run section, I have the command line to install the scheduled task.

Filename: "schtasks"; Parameters: "/CREATE /F /SC DAILY /TN ""Kit ITO SWM"" /TR ""C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -file {app}\checkNewVersion.ps1"" /ST 09:00"; 

I want it to be run only if the user chose to install it.


  • As with any other section, even in the Run section, there's Tasks parameter that can be used to link the entry to specific task(s):

    Filename: "schtasks"; Parameters: "..."; Tasks: CheckNewVersion

    See Components and Tasks Parameters in Inno Setup documentation.