Assume, there is one DataFrame such as following
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':range(1,4),
'items':[['A', 'B'], ['A', 'B', 'C'], ['A', 'C']]})
id items
1 [A, B]
2 [A, B, C]
3 [A, C]
Is there an efficient way to convert above DataFrame into the following (one-hot encoded columns)? Many Thanks in advance!
id items A B C
1 [A, B] 1 1 0
2 [A, B, C] 1 1 1
3 [A, C] 1 0 1
A possible solution, whose steps are:
First, the explode
function is used to transform each item of a list-like to a row, replicating the index values.
Then, the to_numpy
method converts the resulting dataframe to a numpy array, and .T
transposes this array.
The crosstab
function computes a simple cross-tabulation of factors, which, in this case, are the transposed columns of the exploded dataframe.
The reset_index
method is used to reset the index of the dataframe, turning the index into a column named id
Finally, the original dataframe df
is merged with this transformed dataframe using the merge
Another possible solution, whose steps are:
First, the explode
function is used to transform each item of a list-like to a row, replicating the index values.
Then, the pivot_table
function is applied to reshape the data based on the unique values in the items
column, aggregating the count of each id
for every item
. The fill_value=0
ensures that any missing combinations are filled with zeros.
The rename_axis
method is used to remove the axis name for the columns.
Finally, reset_index
is called to reset the index of the dataframe, turning the index into a column.
The original dataframe df
is then merged with this transformed dataframe using the merge
.pivot_table(index='id', columns='items', values='id', aggfunc=len,
.rename_axis(None, axis=1).reset_index())
id items A B C
0 1 [A, B] 1 1 0
1 2 [A, B, C] 1 1 1
2 3 [A, C] 1 0 1