I have time series data that looks like this (mm/dd hh:mm):
3.100 12/14 05:42
3.250 12/14 05:24
3.300 12/14 05:23
3.600 12/14 02:45
3.700 12/13 10:54
3.600 12/12 13:19
3.900 12/12 10:43
I need to interpolate it at 1 minute intervals. It will be a step chart, so the values should be the same until the new value.
If your goal is to make a step plot, no need to interpolate, just use matplotlib.pyplot.step
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
s = pd.Series(['12/14 05:42', '12/14 05:24', '12/14 05:23', '12/14 02:45', '12/13 10:54', '12/12 13:19', '12/12 10:43'],
index=[3.1, 3.25, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 3.6, 3.9])
plt.step(pd.to_datetime(s, format='%m/%d %H:%M'), s.index)
NB. assuming here the values are the index and the dates the series' values, which is a bit counterintuitive. Better use the date as index.
Also, be aware that without a year, the default will be to use 1900 during the conversion to datetime, which might be unwanted. Better be explicit and add the exact year.
If you really want to interpolate, use the date as index and asfreq
s = pd.Series([3.1, 3.25, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 3.6, 3.9],
index=['12/14 05:42', '12/14 05:24', '12/14 05:23', '12/14 02:45', '12/13 10:54', '12/12 13:19', '12/12 10:43'])
s.index = pd.to_datetime(s.index, format='%m/%d %H:%M')
out = s.asfreq('min', method='ffill')
1900-12-12 10:43:00 3.9
1900-12-12 10:44:00 3.6
1900-12-12 10:45:00 3.6
1900-12-12 10:46:00 3.6
1900-12-12 10:47:00 3.6
1900-12-14 05:38:00 3.1
1900-12-14 05:39:00 3.1
1900-12-14 05:40:00 3.1
1900-12-14 05:41:00 3.1
1900-12-14 05:42:00 3.1
Freq: T, Length: 2580, dtype: float64