
Predicate script blocks and collections?

Function Invoke-Keep {
    Implement the keep operation on collections, including nested arrays.
    Given a collection (which may contain nested arrays), apply the predicate to each element and return an array of elements where the predicate is true.

    Collection of data to filter through, can be nested arrays.

    .PARAMETER Predicate
    The predicate to operate on the data.

    $IsSumGreaterThan10 = { param($row) ($row | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum -gt 10 }
    Invoke-Keep -Data @(@(1, 2, 3), @(5, 6), @(10, 5), @(7, 3)) -Predicate $IsSumGreaterThan10
    Return: @(@(5, 6), @(10, 5), @(7, 3))

In trying to create the above function (and testing it with the predicate and data in .EXAMPLE), I found case 1 that fails and case 2 that succeeds but am unclear on why:

Case 1:

    foreach ($item in $Data) {
        if ($Predicate.Invoke($Item)) {
            return $item

Case 2:

   return $Data | Where-Object {& $Predicate $_}

Case 1 seemingly works fine with flat data but returns nothing when passed nested arrays. Case 2 handles nested arrays fine. But whwhwhwhwhwhwhwhwy?!

This might already be answered but I'm sufficiently dumb as to not have the language to even articulate my question in a search box.


  • Re case 1:


            if ($Predicate.Invoke($Item)) {
                return $item


            if (& $Predicate $item) {
              , $item

    The reason that case 2 works is that using your $Data array as pipeline input causes its enumeration, so that the elements - which are nested arrays in your case - are passed one by one to Where-Object, so that the automatic $_ variable in the script block properly refers to each nested array.